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  • Cryptocurrency is a technology for making digital currencies that use cryptography for security that makes it impossible to forge. Currently at there are 7 tradable cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin, Nubits, Paycoin, Dogecoin and Darkcoin (Dashcoin).
  • Programming is a form of activity or activity is making a program. In programming, we will engage in scripts or source code of any programming languages.
  • Design is a system that applies to all types of design where the emphasis is done by looking at all things not separately or separately, but as a unity where one problem with the other are interrelated. On the other hand, design is also defined as planning in the making of an object, system, component or structure.
  • Travelling is a traveling activity: moving in one place to another for various reasons, such as business, vacation, and so forth. Traveling activities.
  • Social Media is a channel or means of social interaction online in cyberspace (internet). Social media users communicate, interact, send messages, and share, and build networks.
  • Entertainment is everything in the form of words, places, objects and behaviors that can be entertainers. Entertainment is subjective, depending on the audience. If the subject feels comforted about something, then it can be said an entertainment.